Guides, Surveys and Tools

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  • -
    Digital Technology Permanent Salary Guide Outside of London

    Digital Technology salary benchmarks for areas outside of London

  • -
    Digital Technology Freelance Day Rate Guide London

    Digital Technology day rate benchmarks for London

  • -
    Ruby and PHP Salary Guide UK

    The average UK Ruby and PHP salary benchmarks.

  • -
    Engineering in Technology Permanent Salary Guide

    Average engineering job salary in tech.

  • -
    Python & Golang Salary Guide UK

    The average UK Python and Golang salary benchmarks.

  • -
    Digital Technology Freelance Day Rate Guide South West

    Average digital technology freelance day rate.

  • -
    Digital Technology Perm Salary Guide London

    Average tech job salary in London.

Agile Product

  • -
    Product Salary Guide South West

    Here are the average salaries and day rates for Product roles in the South West.

  • -
    Agency PM, BA, Product & OPs Salary Guide South West

    Average salaries for Agency PM, BA, Product & OPs roles in the South West.

Data, Insight & Analytics

  • -
    Data, Insight and Analytics Day Rate Guide

    Average salaries and day rates typically received for Data, Insight and Analytics roles.

  • -
    Data, Insight and Analytics Salary Guide

    Average salaries and day rates typically received for Data, Insight and Analytics roles.

  • -
    Data, Insight and Analytics Within Data Engineering & Development

    Average salaries and day rates for roles within data engineering & development.

  • -
    Data, Insight and Analytics within Data Science

    Average salaries and day rates typically received for Data, Insight and Analytics roles within Data Science.


  • -
    Biotech Perm Salary Guide London, Cambridge & Oxford

    We’ve outlined the average salaries and day rates received for Bitotech roles.

  • -
    BioScience Perm Salary Guide

    A snapshot of salary bandings across different seniority levels within BioScience.

  • -
    Material Science Salary Guide

    Here are the average Material Science salaries in the UK.


  • -
    eCommerce In-House Perm Salary Guide South West

    We’ve outlined the average salaries and day rates typically received for In-House eCommerce roles in the South West region.

  • -
    eCommerce In-House Perm Salary Guide London & SE

    We’ve outlined the average salaries and day rates typically received for In-House eCommerce roles in London & SE.

  • -
    eCommerce Perm Salary Guide South West

    Average salaries and day rates typically received for eCommerce roles in the South West region.

  • -
    eCommerce Perm Salary Guide North England

    Average salaries and day rates typically received for eCommerce roles in the North of England.

  • -
    eCom In-House Project Management Perm Salary Guide

    Average salaries and day rates for eCommerce roles within In-House Project Management.

  • -
    eCommerce Agency AM & PM Perm Salary Guide

    Salaries for AM & PM eCommerce roles

  • -
    eCommerce Agency Developer Perm Salary Guide

    Average salaries for developers and tech-focused employees working within UK based eCommerce agencies.

Marketing & Agency

  • -
    B2C In-House Marketing Salary Guide London & SE

    We’ve outlined the average salaries and day rates received for B2C In-House Marketing roles.

  • -
    Digital Marketing Salary Guide South West

    We’ve outlined the average salaries typically received for Digital Marketing roles in the South West.

  • -
    Digital Marketing Salary Guide London & SE

    We’ve outlined the average salaries typically received for Digital Marketing roles in London & the South East.

  • -
    Agency Salary Guide South West

    Average salaries and day rates typically received for Agency roles in the South West.

  • -
    B2B In-House Marketing Salary Guide London & SE

    We’ve outlined the average salaries and day rates received for B2B In-House Marketing roles in London & the SE.

  • -
    Agency Salary Guide London and South East

    Salaries and day rates typically received for Agency roles in London & the South East.

  • -
    B2B Marketing Salary Guide South West

    We’ve outlined the average salaries and day rates typically received for B2B Marketing roles in the South West.

  • -
    B2B In-House Marketing Salary Guide South West

    This is a succinct guide outlining the average permanent salaries for B2B In-House Marketing roles in the South West.

  • -
    Agency Client Services Salary Guide South West

    Average salaries typically received for Agency Client Services roles in the South West.

  • -
    B2C In-House Marketing Salary Guide South West

    We’ve outlined the average salaries and day rates typically received for B2C In-House Marketing roles in the South West.

  • -
    Client Services Salary Guide London & SE

    Average salaries typically received for Agency Client Services roles in London & the South East.

  • -
    Agency Salary Guide North West, North East and the East Midlands

    Average salaries typically received for Agency roles in the North West, North East and the East Midlands.

User Experience & Design

  • -
    Design Perm Salary Guide

    The purpose of this guide is to provide a snapshot of Design salary bandings across different skillsets and industries.

Contract vs Permanent

  • Contract vs Permanent
    205 pd VS 35k perm

    £205 p/d contractor day rate vs £35k salary

  • Contract vs Permanent
    235 pd VS 40k perm

    £235 p/d contractor day rate vs £40k salary

  • Contract vs Permanent
    265 pd VS 45k perm

    £265 p/d contractor day rate vs £45k salary

  • Contract vs Permanent
    292.50pd VS 50k perm

    £292.50 p/d contractor day rate vs £50k salary

  • Contract vs Permanent
    322.50 pd VS 55k perm

    £322.50 p/d contractor day rate vs £55k salary

  • Contract vs Permanent
    350 pd VS 60k perm

    £350 p/d contractor day rate vs £60k salary

  • Contract vs Permanent
    380 pd VS 65k perm

    £380 p/d contractor day rate vs £65k salary

  • Contract vs Permanent
    410 pd VS 70k perm

    £410 p/d contractor day rate vs £70k salary

  • Contract vs Permanent
    440 pd VS 75k perm

    £440 p/d contractor day rate vs £75k salary

  • Contract vs Permanent
    470 pd VS 80k perm

    £470p/d contractor day rate vs £80k salary

  • Contract vs Permanent
    500 pd VS 85k perm

    £500 p/d contractor day rate vs £85k salary

  • Contract vs Permanent
    527 pd VS 90k perm

    £527p/d contractor day rate vs £90k salary


  • IR35
    ADLIB – IR35 In vs Out 250

    £250 Contractor Day Rate

  • IR35
    ADLIB – IR35 In vs Out 300

    £300 Contractor Day Rate

  • IR35
    ADLIB – IR35 In vs Out 350

    £350 Contractor Day Rate

  • IR35
    ADLIB – IR35 In vs Out 400

    £400 Contractor Day Rate

  • IR35
    ADLIB – IR35 In vs Out 450

    £450 Contractor Day Rate

  • IR35
    ADLIB – IR35 In vs Out 500

    £500 Contractor Day Rate

  • IR35
    ADLIB – IR35 In vs Out 550

    £550 Contractor Day Rate

  • IR35
    ADLIB – IR35 In vs Out 600

    £600 Contractor Day Rate