What is the average Data, Insight and Analytics day rate in the South West?
We’ve outlined the average salaries and day rates typically received for Data, Insight and Analytics roles.
How do we benchmark salaries and day rates?
The following is based on information collated through working in this industry day in, day out, client briefs taken and placements made by ADLIB in the South West. We stress the importance of context when making salary comparisons based on job title. In many cases, there is a significant variance between the bottom end and top end of salaries paid.
What to consider when assigning a rate to a role
It’s important here to consider that businesses come in all shapes and sizes and that there are several factors that can influence one’s salary, for example size of business and team, the Location,
the size of account(s) or projects you may be working on, management responsibilities, the industry and specific skill sets. All of which have an impact.
Comprehensive Day Rate Guide for Data, Insight and Analytics roles in the South West
This guide provides day rate benchmarks for various sector roles and their respective job titles, including: