Temporary layoffs are an unfortunate reality for many of our clients and candidates at this time.
It’s not a reflection on ‘how well one does as a business’ or ‘how good one is at their job as an individual’, it’s the harsh reality of this situation we are in as the result of an economic downturn. Furlough doesn’t discriminate. But what to do during this time?
Here, we’ve collected a bunch of online resources and courses recommended by design leads across our client base, as well as our existing internal guides that might take the interest for designers and those looking to upskill within this sector.
Some resources that we’ve been told are useful…
Now is a great time to be developing your skills, whether it’s learning a new piece of software, a new methodology or approach to your craft.
Sites like SkillShare, Futurelearn and Udemy all have great UX and design courses, some are free and others come with some good promotional discounts during this time.
Some free tools and useful resources
There are some great UX and design meetups out there and some have continued to operate online with more cropping up each week. Some that have been recommended to us include:
From talking to design and UX people day in & day out we know that pulling together a portfolio can be time-consuming and often low on the priority list when balancing work, social and family life. If you’re on Furlough, now is a great chance to get things in order.
A portfolio doesn’t just serve as a tool to secure a job, it can be a great exercise in determining your strengths (as well as any gaps in your experience), a way of revisiting and re-evaluating past projects and improving your personal brand presence within your field. Deciding how and what to include in your portfolio can vary on your skillset and what you’re looking to achieve but we’ve included a couple of useful links below that might help you get started:
We’re a big advocate for designing for good. We shine a light on how creative innovation can be a driver for positive change through our design for good initiative. We’ve already seen design play a crucial role in helping with the crisis around the world and there are lots of ways you can put your skills to work for a good cause!
The United Nations has called out to ALL creatives to help stop the spread of COVID-19- Learn more about the brief here.
We’ve also seen sites like The Bristol Lockdown Economy be designed and launched overnight to help support local businesses and communities.
We hope you find something useful in this blog to pass on. If you have any resources to add we’d love to hear from you.