GTSW Event: Using data to restore and manage landscapes

Join Green Tech South West for a hybrid event with great talks looking at ways we can use data to restore and manage landscapes, Sara Telahoun, 3Adapt, and Geoff Carss, Wilder Sensing.

How you choose to join in is up to you:

  • In person at the Scott Logic offices by Bristol Bridge, for pizza, drinks and a spot of mingling before the talks. Arrive from 6pm for a 6.30pm start.
  • Or attend online and enjoy a welcoming and authentic Green Tech South West experience using CrowdCast. Join online from 6.20pm for a 6.30pm start.

Both sessions close at 8pm.


Please tell us your preference for attending when you RSVP so we can order the right amount of food and drinks.

An evidence based, digital approach to sustainability and land management

Come and hear about how 3ADAPT, sustainability consultancy, are taking a holistic approach to sustainability. Using the Six Capitals approach, supporting a variety of organisations including land owners, local authorities, utilities companies, universities and museums to help build decarbonisation plans and adapt to climate change. Hear about how they are launching Landarna, the world’s first platform to assess, inform and report the holistic impact of land opportunities, enabling more people to make more sustainable land use decisions.


Sara is an experienced project lead and consultant with over 10 years’ climate change and sustainability experience. Sara recently joined 3ADAPT as an Associate Director to support the organisation’s growth in developing net zero strategies across public and private clients and roll out the Landarna platform. Sara is also a Trustee for climate action charity Possible and is a mentor supporting young women into green careers through Catalyse Change CIC.

Listening to nature

Biodiversity is declining in many parts of the world and both the private and public sectors are starting to invest more in restoration. But what works and how do investors know if the right biodiversity returns are being delivered?

Wilder Sensing is a cloud based platform that uses audio and AI to identify what’s living in a landscape – what species are present and how the species mix changes over time – both through the seasons and year over year. This talk will explore how we can use this is practice and explore a local case study.


Geoff has had a deep passion for nature since childhood. He was a bird ringer and Trustee of Bristol Avon Rivers Trust. He’s worked as a geologist, software engineer, management consultant and sales in marketing director for companies such as EY, IBM and Oracle.

The schedule:
🔓 18.00 – Scott Logic doors open for in-person attendees
🔓 18.20 – CrowdCast room opens for online attendees
👋 18.30 – Event starts with a welcome from organisers, Ellen, Hannah and Mike
📢 18.35 – 60 second intros – a chance for in-person and online attendees to introduce themselves, ask for help or share something interesting
💚 18.50 – Sara’s talk
💚 19.15 – Geoff’s talk
❓ 19.35 – Questions
🗓️ 19.45 – Round-up and next event announcement
20.00 – Event close. In person attendees can continue networking at a nearby pub

The event will be recorded and available along with slides shortly after. For those online attendees, we’ll email the joining link ahead of the event.

This event is made possible by kind sponsorship from:

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Head Of Tech (Permanent)

CTO/Leads, Developers, GreenTech

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Mike Harley