Neurodiversity at Work

Introducing “Neurodiversity at Work”. This new series features the career journeys and day-to-day professional lives of top talent who identify as neurodiverse. Through a collection of interviews, we aim to capture and share what it’s really like to work in various professions and sectors as a neurodiverse individual.

Purpose of the Series

The “Neurodiversity at Work” series is dedicated to showcasing and sharing the knowledge and wisdom of neurodiverse professionals. Our goal is to provide a platform for peer-to-peer learning, while also educating and enabling individuals and businesses to better understand and support neurodiversity in the workplace.

Meet Cam

Cam is the driving force behind Neurodiversity at Work and is a passionate advocate and neurodiverse professional, this series aims to raise awareness, share advice, and offer comfort through engaging conversations around neurodiversity.

Here he shares his perspective:

Whilst it’s amazing that neurodiversity has become an increasingly popular topic of conversation in the news, media, and personal life, the narrative is often diagnosis-led rather than person-led. After all, whilst we may have trouble making eye contact or remembering what was just said, we are much more than a diagnosis.

I have ADHD. I found out at 21 and downplayed it massively to both employers & colleagues for years as I didn’t want to become a burden or be treated differently. I had this idea that it was my fault. It was only through speaking openly about it that I stopped treating it as a medical challenge and fully embraced it, which in turn, improved my mental health and overall outlook dramatically.

I’m launching a series of engaging conversations around Neurodiversity to raise awareness, share advice, and offer some comfort. Whilst I’m not a talk show host, or clinician, I can provide a platform within the Tech & eCommerce world to hopefully do some good. To achieve this, I’m keen to speak with fellow neurodiverse professionals, thought leaders, and advocates who are comfortable sharing their experiences and willing to give up a little of their time for free, for a good cause.”

Join the Conversation

We will be sharing these stories with you soon with the content including a blend of video recordings and written blogs, tailored to meet the needs and preferences of our contributors.

If you are a neurodiverse professional, thought leader, or advocate, and are interested in contributing to this series, we would love to hear from you. Your insights and experiences are invaluable and can help foster a more inclusive and understanding workplace environment.

You can either DM Cam directly via LinkedIn or reach him through email at to express your interest.

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eCommerce Agency Developers & Tech

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Cameron Reid