Neurodiversity at Work feat. Benji Chapman

Introducing Benji Chapman, a freelance writer, a third-year English and Philosophy student at the University of Bristol and an aspiring marketing professional.
Here he shares his journey and insights on navigating the workplace as a neurodiverse individual and gives his 3 key realizations he wishes he had known sooner about his neurodiversity.

Please introduce yourself and your role.

My name is Benji Chapman and I am a third year English and Philosophy student at the University of Bristol. I also work as a freelancer writer and am currently pursuing a career in marketing.

What 3 things do you wish you knew sooner about your Neurodiversity?

That being neurodiverse: 1) doesn’t make me a worse worker, 2) doesn’t alienate me from other people and 3) isn’t something my employer is going to have an issue with.

What accommodations have you/your employer made to help you do your role?

None, simply because I’ve never told them! I certainly wish I had though: working in catering and being Dyspraxic don’t always go well together!

How would you recommend people expand their knowledge around topic “Neurodiversity At Work”?

I would encourage people listen to the voices of people who are qualified to speak on the topic, by which I mean people who have lived as a neurodiverse person in the workplace. I think the nature of masking means a lot of neurodivergent employees are used to not speaking their mind, and these people should be encouraged to speak up rather than suffer in silence.


Thanks for your time Benji!


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If you are a Neurodiverse professional, thought leader, or advocate, and are interested in contributing to this series, we would love to hear from you. Your insights and experiences are invaluable and can help foster a more inclusive and understanding workplace environment.

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Cameron Reid