Tech Talent: Benefits Survey

Are you in a permanent tech role in the UK? We need your input!

Help us understand the benefits that matter most to you, from a bonus scheme and enhanced parental leave to flexible hours and professional development.

Take survey


Why Your Opinion Matters

If you’re in a permanent tech role in the UK, your insights are invaluable. We want to know which benefits you find essential. Is it a robust bonus scheme, enhanced parental leave, flexible working hours, or opportunities for professional development? Your feedback will guide employers in shaping their benefit packages to meet your needs.

Why Participate?

If you’re in a permanent tech role in the UK, your feedback is crucial. We’re interested in knowing what you value most: bonus schemes, enhanced parental leave, flexible hours, or professional development. Your insights will help employers offer benefits that truly meet your needs.

What We’re Exploring

We’re looking at how important various financial and non-financial benefits are to you, from not important to essential:

  • Bonus Schemes: The significance of performance-related bonuses.
  • Parental Leave: The importance of enhanced parental leave.
  • Flexibility: The value of flexible working hours.
  • Professional Development: The role of growth opportunities.

Privacy Guaranteed

Your responses are completely anonymous and won’t be shared with any third parties. Your input is solely for understanding tech professionals’ preferences.

How to Participate

We’d love to hear from you. Share your thoughts by taking our Tech Talent Benefits Survey.

Take the survey here: Tech Talent Benefits Survey

Written by

Head Of Tech (Permanent)

CTO/Leads, Developers, GreenTech

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Mike Harley