The Motherhood Penalty: Our Chat With Bo Ajayi Walmsley, freelance front-end developer

Motherboard caught up with Bo Ajayi Walmsley, a freelance front-end developer prior to being part of the panel for the in-person Motherboard event on the 6th October.

Sophie @ ADLIB: A bit of background, who are you, what do you do and where do you work?

Bo: I’m Bo Ajayi Walmsley – I’m a freelance front end developer. I’ve worked in various industries doing Front End Development, Education, retail, iGaming and gambling, and financial services.

Sophie @ ADLIB: Why do you think it is so important to get more women into tech?

Bo: To aid in diversifying what someone who working in tech looks like.

Working in tech is fundamentally about solving problems and having a diversified workforce gives a more human centred approach to solving those problems 

Sophie @ ADLIB: What do you think companies could do more of to be more inclusive of mothers?

Bo: The standard 9-5 model doesn’t really work any more so having more flexible working hours and arrangements.

Flexi working and encouraging more work life balance for mothers and parents in general.

Sophie @ ADLIB: What are you most looking forward to about the MotherBoard event?

Bo: I’m looking forward to not being a minority in an inclusive environment full of like-minded people!

Attend the MotherBoard event

After 18 months of hosting MotherBoard events online, we’d like to invite you to ‘The Motherhood Penalty’ live event on Thursday 6th October.

Spaces are limited so secure your FREE spot early: RSVP here

The Motherhood Penalty: It is reported that only 19% of the tech industry in the UK is made up of women, and half of women will leave the industry by the age of 35. A huge blocker in retaining women in tech is balancing a career whilst raising a family.

So, what are we as individuals and as a collective doing about it?

Join Marie and other fantastic expert speakers at the event either in-person or online.

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Sophie Creese