54% of Mums in Tech feel like their career has been held back due to having children

An estimated 20,000 women left the UK tech industry in the first half of 2023. That’s 110 a day. We wanted to find out why, and the first round of results are in.

In January 2024, in collaboration with HeyFlow, who are set to end disadvantages for women at work, MotherBoard launched the “The Reality of Mums in Tech”: a state-of-the-nation research project to gain a deeper understanding of the lived experiences of working mothers in UK Tech. Since its launch, we have collected the perspectives of 111 mothers currently working in the industry or have had to leave due to a lack of inclusion.

Today, we are sharing the first results.

“Our report’s initial findings highlight that while efforts to retain women in tech are improving, the progress is not sufficient to see gender gaps close.

If we want to see a breakthrough for gender balance within tech and ensure more women are in senior positions, organisations must pick apart and scrutinise how they can do better in supporting mothers.”

– Sophie Creese, Founder of MotherBoard.

The top-line findings

  • 75% felt their manager was supportive throughout their pregnancy

  • 40% felt like their career was held back during their pregnancy

  • 39% who were on track for promotion ahead of their pregnancy have been promoted since

  • 47% feel less valued after they have returned to work

  • 58% have considered leaving their role since returning to work

  • 54% feel like their career has been held back due to having children

Though this report could seem like a bleak picture, there is plenty we can all do to create change:

  • Run management training in succession planning, communication on leave and effective return to work.

  • Create formal re-training plans for returners in all roles and on all seniority levels

  • Rethinking roles into being more adaptable for part-time and job share options

  • Encourage Mums in Tech to connect with others as part of the MotherBoard Community

  • Adding your perspective to the study so that we can build a growing robust set of data to bring to the government

  • Join the MotherBoard Charter and pledge your commitment while gaining access to exclusive training and guides to help you become a more inclusive employer for mothers and parents.

  • Consider the wider impact of reproductive health and run a HeyFlow employee insight project within your organisation to understand your workforce better.

  • Share your story If you are a Mum in Tech or an ally, we’d love to hear from you and have you as part of our community content series.

A note about this report

This report focuses on the experience of pregnancy & return to work after maternity these are not the only routes to motherhood.

This is an open study and as the sample size grows, we will be able to offer more detailed focus on other areas.

The ‘Realities of Mums in Tech’ is an open and ongoing project and if you would like to contribute your story, you can today (link). We will use this data to bolster the evidence for the MotherBoard Movement and to inform conversations in the newly launched ‘Women Pivoting to Digital’ government taskforce to create tangible change for mothers in tech.

About HeyFlow

Ending disadvantage for women in the workplace. Through insight, learning and action for female* reproductive health inclusion in the workplace, HeyFlow empowers businesses to create change and build a truly inclusive company and break the taboo from menstruation to menopause.

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Sophie Creese