Steve Kay

Managing Director

0117 926 9530

When I was a kid I wanted to become…

Liverpool’s next star striker.

For me, this is “what working at ADLIB is all about:

Always looking forward and not being satisfied with average. We’re a collaborative team, immersed within the sectors we recruit for and passionate about influencing positive change.

My biggest feel-good moment since I’ve been at ADLIB:

Becoming the first recruiter of our kind to achieve B Corp status. It’s taken a lot of hard work as it should and is something we’re all really proud of.

How I explain what I do at a party:

If I’m still able to communicate coherently then I’d say, I help lead our client side recruitment team which involves helping recruit the best Marketing, Creative, Technology and  Data talent for exciting start-ups, forward-thinking SMEs and leading UK brands.

Beyond recruitment at ADLIB, I care about…

Creating an inclusive environment within ADLIB that people are proud to be a part of.

Steve heads up ADLIB’s recruitment team. From many years recruitment experience he’s gained an intrinsic talent for bringing online, multi-channel and omni-channel businesses together with the brightest eCommerce and senior marketing people across the UK.

Contact me

If you would like to chat about how we can help your team to grow, please get in touch.